12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week #31, 6 - 11 January 2015

We are on the same assignment as last week in the temple.  The patrons are slow in coming, but there seems to be things to do.  The presidency has made some changes and we are learning how to implement them with the least amount of disruption.  It is hard to teach old dogs new tricks and just when we get settled in to one way, they change.  It does keep us on our toes.

The 2014 grandbabies continue to grow and we love getting photos and videos and even voices from them on occasion.

Collins is trying to be content while mommy is busy in the kitchen.

Dry wading pool acts as a perfect playpen for Eliza outside.

The week was filled with shopping, getting hair cuts, and going to Bluewater to find a pair of white Sketchers for me.  I am having issues with my feet and my black Sketchers I wear when we are out and about seem to work well.  We found the shoes and had lunch at Five Guys.  It was my first time to eat there and I enjoyed the food.

It was another week of no sun, plenty of clouds, and rain.  In fact, our trip to Bluewater was in pouring rain.  It stopped about the time we got home and the sun did come out for a couple of hours!  Hallelujah!  We had a couple of hours of sun again, on Friday and then back to rain on Saturday.  We woke up Sunday to clear skies and plenty of sunshine until about 3 p.m., when it clouded up and was raining by 6 p.m.
The sun was trying desperately to peak out one morning, but the clouds kept getting in its way.

The good news is though, we bought a sun lamp.  I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, due to lack of sunshine.  Without the sunshine some chemical in my head is lacking and things go awry.  Of course that is nothing new, but using the lamp during the morning time has begun to help.  Before I was very lethargic and ready for bed when it got pitch dark at 5 p.m. each day.  I wasn't very social and just wanted my own space.  The doctor said the lamp would help and she has ordered blood tests for levels of Vitamin D.

 Danny & Cheryl's family got together over the holidays.  Everyone was there except Dennis' son who is on a mission, and of course Damond, who is watching from above.
Darren & Cody Farar with Kennadie-14, Danny-11, and Ashley-9, and Brooklynn-6.

Bob and I both gave spiritual thoughts during preparation meetings this week.  He used 3 Nephi 27:27 -. . .Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?  Verily I say unto you, even as I am.  As we work to develop Christlike Attributes, when we focus on how He lived, we will know how to live.

I shared this experience:  I heard that on Boxing Day, the queue for Selfridges was 5,000.  I couldn't possibly imagine what I would stand in a line like that for.  I had no sooner asked the question than I knew the answer:  I would stand in that kind of a line to see the Savior, to see His hands, kiss His feet, and to feel His embrace.  We are all standing in that queue each day as we keep the commandments, repent, and be forgiving.  And, one day we will see the Savior.

One morning, when the sun came out after the rain, squirrels showed up in our back yard.  I opened the window and stuck my head out to feel the sun when I spotted one at the base of our building.  He was definitely begging and was most attentive as I talked to him.
"Please, I am hungry, do you have something for me?"

I dropped down a piece of bread and he sat quietly eating it.

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