12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Temple Week #33 And A Birthday: 20 - 25 January 2015

 You have a birthday, shout hooray!  Yes, I did have a birthday and it was a very nice day indeed!  My gift was a nice cuddly puppy!  He breathes and makes puppy sounds but is weened from needing food and is definitely potty trained.  He is the best kind of puppy yet and I get pleasure out of petting him.  We came home from the first time we left him alone and he had not chewed up any of Bob's shoes.  I guess he is a real keeper!

The day was filled with emails, texts, and phone calls from children, family, and friends and we went to TGI Friday's for lunch.  I had chicken fingers and fries.  It was lovely.  The sun showed its face for about an hour when we came out of the restaurant and we enjoyed walking in its rays.

The morning sun coming through the trees across our back yard.

A text from Katie:  Dang it!  I've been thinking about you all day but never had my phone handy when I did!  It's been a crazy day with lots of extra kids to watch and a Liza girl who didn't want to be put down.  At all.  So this is a day late on your end of the world, but here in Arizona it's still the 22nd!  Barely!  I love you dearly!  Happy happy birthday!

From Sister Jones in our ward back home.

The rest of the week was filled with a trip to Maidstone with Sister George to check out their mall and buy shoes.  We enjoyed lunch at Pizza Hut and then on the way home, we were stuck on the motorway for over two hours due to a wreck.  It was a long two hours and we were so relieve to get past the area.  We pulled into the rest area just after getting clear of it and there were the Rogers, other temple missionaries coming back from their weekend.  We were all surprised to see one another.

We did grocery shopping, had the kitchen faucet repaired, I went for routine blood tests and called Mason on his birthday.  He turned 8 years old and had his baptism on Friday.  We are so happy he has made the decision to be baptized.

We were on the late shift in the temple and a couple of nights due to low attendance, several of us workers were sent on the last session.  It was nice to be there together doing the same thing and then have fellow workers assist us at the end.  I assisted a couple of new patrons during the week with one speaking only Spanish.  I also assisted a deaf sister.  She was very thoughtful and was happy to be in the temple.

We were planning a big trip to Europe for the temple maintenance break in March, but we found out none of the requests were approved.  So, we are regrouping and making alternate plans.  There are definitely lots of places to see so we will not be disappointed.  

Late Arrival Cards:
Gabe made the card.

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