12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, January 19, 2015

Temple Week #32, 13 - 19 January 2015

We were on the early shift and again, the temple was slow.  Dad and I did two sessions and I did a third one as they sent a group of us workers on one.   Saturday arrived, and oh my, the patrons came in the numbers.  I was in clothing & till and by the time my shift was over, I had taken in almost £500.  What a day it was!  I hardly had time to even sit down and it was very nice to have another worker to help.  At one point, they sent two and I ran out of change right in the middle of the queue.  I dashed off to get more and came back to assist the patrons.  Sister Scarlett came another time to replenish change.  There were regular patrons, new patrons, new missionaries, a bride & groom, patrons unable to pay, and brother workers renting jackets.  I made an error and had to correct it once I had a moment.  So, my shift ended with me having covered almost all the scenarios that can occur at the till.  I was very tired, but a good tired from being busy.

On Wednesday, Dad and I picked up Natalie Green and Natalie Senior from the ward and brought them to watch "Meet The Mormons."  They were so excited to be able to come and really enjoyed it. Natalie S. said it gave her hope and Natalie G said she could feel the spirit of the movie and was so excited to have the gospel in her life.  It was really wonderful we could bring them to watch it.  After we took them home, we stopped by Sainsbury's and picked up groceries.

Natalie Senior, Me, Bob, and Natalie Green in front.
We had a treat on Saturday when Sam Jarvis his wife Melanie, and sons, Sam age 13, and Nathan age 11 came in.  Their friend, Angela from their branch in Sicily was with them.  Sam grew up in Yuma.  They had contacted us earlier in the week about coming and we were excited to see them.  We enjoyed visiting and helping them plan their day in London on Sunday.  They wanted to eat English pub food, so we took them to the Wiremill where we all enjoyed a delicious meal.

Melanie, Sam, Nathan, Sam, and Angela.
Dad and I were to lunch in the cafeteria and met an American senior couple who is serving a mission in the Preston temple.  We enjoyed conversation and when we mentioned we had worked in the Mesa temple before coming over, they say they had worked in the Boston temple as well.  I then asked:  "Did you know Sister Farar who was secretary to the president?"  Brother Dennecker replied:  "Sure do.  She is super and if you wanted to know anything in the temple, she was the one to ask!"

Monday, we took Sister George to her hometown of Maidstone to shop at a well known shoe store in England, named Hotter.  The shoes are very nice and comfortable.  We both found a white pair for the temple and I got a pair for everyday and excursion walking.  We had a great time with her showing us the sites and ended with lunch at Pizza Hut.  We had the buffet and enjoyed the food.  We left out at 1 p.m., headed for home and were able to follow her directions out of the town and on to the motorway.  About 1:45 p.m., we ended up in a very long and slow moving queue.  There was an accident way up the road with two lanes closed and before that, there were two places where other roads merged onto the motorway.  We were in the queue for 2 hrs. and 20 min.  It was unbelievable and we were all very happy to reach home at 5 p.m.

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