12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Rest of January And The Hospital, 26 January - 1 February 2016

The Jensen's took me back to the hospital Tuesday morning.  Bob had a decent night but was anxious for the procedure to take place.  He had been fasting since 2 p.m., Monday.  It turned into another long day of waiting.  He was on the list but his slot had not come up yet.  It was just before lunch when the doctor came in and said he was scheduled for 4 p.m.

The afternoon continued with us waiting.  I read and crocheted as Bob slept and rested in preparation for the procedure.  The anesthesiologist came in for a briefing mid afternoon and we continued to wait.  The weather was dreary and rainy and the view out of the window was into the window of a room in another ward.

After 4:30 p.m., the team arrived to wheel Bob to surgery.  I followed along and gave him a kiss before he went through the doors.  He said he looked at the clock and it said, 5 P.M. and the next thing he knew he saw it and it said, 6 P.M.  He was back to his room around 6:40 p.m. with the surgery being successful with the stint in place.

I had gone to the cafe for a bite to eat and wait.  The doctor had told me earlier to call the nurse about 2 1/2 hours after he went into surgery to see if he was back in his room.  I ate, read, and crocheted some more.  I watched other people in the cafe and then about 7 p.m. I decided to call.  The nurse had thought I had gone home and was surprised when I told her I was in the hospital.  She said I could come back to the room.  I stayed until 9 p.m. when Brother Knecht and Brother Mansbridge came to take me home.

The procedure was successful and Bob was feeling no pain.  They fed him a delicious meal and he ate everything they gave him.  He felt like a new man.

The Orton's took me to the hospital Wednesday and by 1 p.m., Bob was released and we were picked up by Brother and Sister Knecht.  We so thankful for the good people who watched out for us during this time.  Everyone wanted to help in some way.  During the rest of the week, the Jensen's saw that Bob had a meal when I was in the temple.  Brother Head took over coordinating and did an excellent job
Bob came to the temple for our coordinator's meeting on Thursday, and then only for a couple of hours on Friday and Saturday.  He took on light duty and tasks that did not require much action on his part.
We were to the Jensen's for dinner on Saturday for a delicious stir fry meal and cupcakes for dessert.  It was nice to be with them and eat and visit.  We finished the evening off with Pinochle.  We have great fun playing with them.

We called Thor on Sunday for his birthday.  He was having a great day and then we talked with Katie and the children.  They are all doing well and excited as we are about our arrival in April.

We ended January and began February.  The time is flying and we are beginning the "come home" process with appointments, arrangements with belongings, and taking stock of what we have here as far as what we will bring home and what we will leave.    Rex Petterborg emailed to say he is very interested in purchasing our car.  Bob called him and it appears that may be what happens.

We were out for breakfast on Monday, down to Haskins Garden Shop in Snowhill.  We enjoyed the meal and then came home to clean and do laundry.  We caught up on other tasks and ate a late lunch.  We were then off to Horsham for shopping.  We found batteries for our computer mice and I checked out the sales going on in Hotter Shoes.  I hit the jackpot and found a nice pair of Sunday heals marked way down.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness. It's never fun having surgery, but I'm glad to hear that it went well. Take it easy, Elder Brown!
