12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

9 - 14 February 2016

Since we are now in the medical health season of our lives, we were once again to the doctor's on Monday for Bob's assessment as to when he would have surgery again to remove the kidney stones.  He was determined healthy for the procedure but no date was given with the indication it would be several weeks out.

President Irwin then visited with us and suggested we go private and get it done.  He gave us needed information and Bob proceeded with phone calls to Spire Gatwick Hospital.  When all was said and done, we met with Mr Swinn, the doctor who oversaw Bob's care at Redhill.  It was fortunate in that he had access to his files and was able to discuss with us all that was involved and we left with a surgery date of 22 February, at 5 p.m.  That was very good news to us, not quite what Bob wanted, but much better than what we had heard at Redhill.

We came out of the temple to sunshine one afternoon.  I couldn't resist the urge to take pictures.
 Even in the bareness of winter the grounds are lovely.

 A tree pointing heavenward, the place we want to ascend to.
 Wild flowers springing up here and there dotting the lush green covering.
 A reflection of eternity.
 Thus we see through barren trees, the beauty of the temple.  A place of peace and learning.
 An earthly dwelling for our Savior and a place of refuge from the busy-ness of life.

Bob was coming to and staying longer in the temple.  He was feeling much better each day.  Sometimes the knowledge of what lies ahead can bring peace and strength to carry on.  We attended a session, shopped, cleaned, and shared in birthday wishes for Koa who turned one and Nelson.  We also remembered Dan & Cheryl's wedding anniversary and birthdays for my cousin Linda and our friend Natalie Green.

We celebrated Valentine's Day with going to church and resting.

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