12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2 - 8 February 2016

The week was as usual with our shift in the temple, shopping, cleaning, errands, piano, etc.  We called Spencer for his birthday, ran a visiting sister to the train station, and got haircuts.  I baked a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies and took them to the temple for our shift on Friday.  Everyone seemed to enjoy them as you can see by the empty container.

We began learning a new song in Primary on Sunday.  They children were all keen to learn it and did well.  I had gotten busy and prepared roast beef, mash, rolls, and veggies for Sunday dinner.  By the time I started taking it up to serve I realized there was way more than the two of us would eat.  Bob started calling around and found the Jensen's had not eaten yet.  They joined us and we had a great time.

It has been another week of continuous overcast, clouds, high winds, and rain.  But, we had relief on Sunday as we woke up to clear clear skies and a bright sun shining.  I even wore my sunglasses to church, the first time in about four months I could wear them.  Of course, though, the clouds had rolled in and rain began to fall before we got out of church three hours later.  When we got out of the car and walked to the lodge, I turned around to hear a child coming and saw this beautiful sight in the sky.
It put a huge smile on my face and seemed to just make everything brighter.

We had a Hi & Bye for Elder & Sister Cannon and Elder & Sister Record.  
 Elder & Sister Cannon are going home to Utah.  They serve in the mission office.  They will be in Yuma in April to visit their daughter and husband who live there.  We hope to hook up when we get there.
Elder & Sister Record come from Utah and are replacing the Cannon's in the mission office.  We got a phone call from our chiropractor, Deborah one evening to say she saw missionaries in Sainsbury's and struck up a conversation with them.  It was the Record's and they are from the same area of Salt Lake City.  She was excited to see someone from home.

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful double rainbow. I bet it smelled wonderful outside, too. The sidewalk looked wet.
