12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Friday, November 27, 2015

It Is Cold!, 26º F! 17-23 November

We were on early shift this week.  For the most part the temple was busy but there were some down times.  The Masih's were here for the week and we enjoyed seeing them.  Also workers from Wales, the two Jones couples.  They always add a bright spirit to our days.  Brother Arnold Jones leads music and when he does that in preparation meeting the whole room is filled with song.

Many prayers were offered in behalf of all those affected by the terrorist attack in Paris.  I was especially impressed with President Irwin's thought in early preparation meeting on Tuesday.  This is what he said:

         “In lieu of the tragic events that have taken place in Paris with the terrorist attack, I have reflected on the families and friends who struggle with the loss of loved ones.  I wonder what the last words they spoke to each other before the attack were.  They had no idea this would be the last time they would see their loved ones.”

         “Relationships are so important, yet in our daily lives we tend to get complacent or caught up in all we do and overlook the moments that may make a difference to someone else, or even to us.”
         “When I was studying at BYU, it was during a time when phone calls were very expensive and were infrequent and far between.  We did not have cell phones or email at that time.  I had written a letter home and complained about the fact my hair seemed to be falling out and that I would probably be bald when I got home.  Christmas was coming and on that day, at the arranged time, my parents called.  The first thing Mum said to me was:  “David, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables.”  That was her response to my flippant comment in the letter I had sent home.”
         “Four days later she died unexpectedly.  She was only 50 years old.  That morning she had said to Dad that she didn’t feel well.  He told her to stay home and not go in to work.  That is what she did and during the day she had a massive heart attack that took her life.  Many times I have reflected on that last conversation I had with her and wonder that I could have done better in realizing how important our relationship was.”
         “Another experience I had involved a fellow colleague at the school I was at.  He was not a member of the church but we worked together and on occasion we had conversations.  One Friday he asked if he could talk with me.  I said that would be great but could we do it on Monday.  I didn’t know him very well and I thought I was too busy or I didn’t see the need to have the conversation before then.  He said okay.  Monday came along and I learned that he had committed suicide on Sunday.  He and his wife had been going through marital problems and he needed someone to talk to.  I didn’t know he was struggling and I didn’t take the time when I should have to listen.”

         “I often think about these two times in my life when I could have been more attentive to others and my relationship with them.  We never know what the future holds and how what we say will affect others.”

Elder Paul V Johnson and wife were here for the week doing a temple review.  He is a counselor in the European Area Presidency.  They live in Germany.  It was a joy to have them in the temple.  She went on several sessions and participated in other areas while he was busy with tours, meetings, interviews, etc.  Elder Johnson spoke in our ward on Sunday and then the two of them were speakers at the Temple Ordinance Worker Meeting held Sunday evening.  They both have a great love for the temple and the eternal blessings therein.

Elder Paul V Johnson & Sister Jill Johnson

At the TOW meeting, a women's sextet sang beautifully the words to, "Thy Holy House."  Those who sang were Sister Smith, Sister Rayton, Sister Rogers, Sister Call, Sister Jeeves, and Sister Carlson.
Thy Holy House, by Janice Kapp Parry
Lord, as I look upon they holy house, I know I stand on hallowed ground.
My soul is lifted up to higher thoughts with nature's beauty all around.
And as I contemplate thy wondrous plan unfolded here within these walls,
I speak a prayer of thanks within my heart, and tears of gratitude now fall.

Lord, as I look upon the holy house, with heaven's blessing held in store,
I joy in every sacred ordinance performed for those who've gone before.
And as I ponder solemn covenants made there within this house of peace,
I long with worthy saints to enter in this house where earth and heaven meet.

Lord, as I look upon thy holy house, whose spires ascend to heaven above,
I sense the vastness of eternity,  I feel the greatness of thy love.
And when I think of earthly families sealed here for all eternity,
I feel assurance then of lasting joy, and endless happiness with thee.

These words sum up all that was shared and spoken in the meeting.

Our week was the standard routine of temple, shopping, music rehearsals, doctors, cleaning, and errands.  We did go to Natalie's for dinner on Thursday.  Since Dad's birthday was the next day, she had a cake and a candle for him.  We had seen her in the temple on Tuesday with a man.  It was a surprise to us.  He is the father of the sister who plays the organ in our ward.  He is from South Africa and had come to his daughter's wedding.  They had met while preparing food for the reception, etc, and hit it off big time!  Brian came to dinner and it was a delight to meet him and see them together.  What a couple they make!

Friday, we took Bob & Brenda Crowther shopping.  They are new missionaries from Logan, Utah.  We had a lovely time visiting, shopping, explaining what they may need and what they can't find here.  We then stopped at Toby Carvery for a meal to end the outing and celebrate Dad's birthday.

Monday was our day off and we were off to breakfast with Rex and Nora Jensen, TOW's from Wales and friends.  They are here for the week to work in the temple and we had to catch up on all that has happened since their last time here.  We also made a stop at the craft store while the men were at the auto store for car lights.

That evening we attended the Bye for Brother Atkins, Temple Recorder, and Brother Adams, Assistant Recorder.  It was a grand affair with the dining room filled clear to the back of the room.  President Irwin wrote a song for each and sang them.  They were choice.  Brother Doughty, the new Temple Recorder, showed slides of pictures of the two of them throughout their lives, then each one said a few words.  There were light refreshments to follow.
Brother Atkins in the middle.  Brother Beer (head of security to the left and Brother Anker (engineer) to the right.
Brother Adams in the middle, Sister Miller on the left, and Sister Brook on the right.  The sisters work in reception.
Brother Doughty, the new Temple Recorder.

So, the two A's, Brother Atkins and Brother Adams are replaced with the two D's, Brother Doughty and Brother Doggett.  The two A's are medium height and the two D's are well over six foot tall.

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