12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, November 23, 2015

Another Week, 10 -16 November 2015

We began this temple week working the late shift.  Patrons came and we were busy in every area.  We also had a good supply of workers which is very helpful.    When not in the temple we were busy with the usual tasks of shopping, music, doctors, and birthdays.  We sang happy birthday to Jack and to Collins.
Collins, coming in at 1 year old!

Jack is official at age 21!

I must write about Barbora.  Barbora is from Sovakia and she and her fiancé, Samuel, and his mother, Jeanetta, were at the temple on Friday and Saturday.  Barbora came for her first time and then attended other sessions during those two days.  They are from where President and Sister Irwin previously served as mission presidents.  President Irwin asked if we would take them to church with us on Sunday as they were off to a stake conference.  Jeannetta and her friend Evetta came several months ago and we took them to church.  Sunday was just as special as before.  We had a great time visiting and getting to know one another.  Samuel is the oldest of Jeanetta's six children and is writing his bachelor's thesis in mechanical engineering and is serving as District President in their country.  Barbora is one of two children and she is studying for a degree in English.  She speaks English very well, even if she says her accent has slipped some.  She does a lot of translating and that keeps her from speaking the language as much as she would like.  She and Samuel are planning a June/July 2016 wedding.  We enjoyed learning about their country and life there.  So many things are the same, yet so many are different.

Monday found us on a road trip with Doug and Beverly Jensen.  He is learning to drive here and they wanted to go places.  Dad sat shotgun and we girls were in the back where we could talk easier.  Doug was getting used to his car and between that him new at driving in England, well let's say it was a good thing Dad was in the front seat!  He kept us alive a couple of times!
Dad, Me, & Beverly in front of the chapel in Hayward's Heath.  Several missionaries and ordinance workers are from this area and attend meetings in this building.  As you can see it was another normal wet, rainy, cold day in England.

We journeyed on south to the English Channel and arrived at Brighton.  Doug and Beverly had not been there before so they were excited to see the pier, ride the ferris wheel, and walk the streets.  We stopped at Harry Ramsden's for fish and chips and a cup of delicious hot chocolate topped with a huge clump of cream.

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