12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, November 5, 2015

20 October - 2 November 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday found Kendal and family off to Harry Potter Studio and Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.  We were on the early shift so we were all together at the flat for dinner and evening fun which included games of Pinochle.  Sister Hyde, who works in the office at the temple had sent round a stack of puzzles, games, and coloring books, etc. for the children and they enjoyed using them when at the flat.

Wednesday night we packed up two empty suitcases with our stuff for them to take home for us.  It was amazing how well we got everything in.  We even included a box of Christmas Crackers, only for them not to be allowed to go on the plane because of the firecracker inside.  The children took them apart in the airport and enjoyed the prizes and the sweets.

Thursday morning was busy with breakfast and last minute stuff before they headed off to the airport and we headed into the temple.  

We finished up the week with meeting the new missionary couple, the Jensen's from America, shopping and out to dinner.  They also joined us for dinner in the flat Saturday evening.  We answered lots of questions and helped them learn more about being here, etc.  I helped Sister Basten with family history, went to choir rehearsal, and attended a fireside.

We called and sang happy birthday to Isabel on the 22nd, and Bobby on the 23rd.  Isabel was at lunch at school and enjoyed our singing.  Bobby was unable to answer but shared our singing message with his friends.  We caught up with him the next day and got to sing in person to him.
Sweet Sixteen!  And, she drives!

Bobby and Mariah.

In sacrament meeting on Sunday, the Adrian Smith family were the speakers.  He is on the High Council and brought his family along with him from Eastbourne.  Nine year old Oscar spoke first on the importance of keeping the Sabbath Day holy.  He reminded us we are not to work on the Sabbath and since brushing his teeth is work, he has decided not to brush them on Sunday!  He quickly decided that would not be a good idea after all.  Eleven year old Billy referred to Elder D. Todd Christopherson’s talk in the latest general conference entitled, “Why The Church.”  “In the church we not only learn divine doctrine; we also experience its application.”  Gathering in church on the Sabbath “offers a respite and renewal, a time and place to leave the world behind.  It is a time to experience the spiritual healing that comes with the sacrament, and to receive the renewed promise of His Spirit to be with us.”

Sister Smith quoted Isaiah 58:13-14  – “If thou turn away they foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, not finding thine own pleasure; nor speaking thine own words:  Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord;”  She ended with this phrase:  "The Sabbath anciently was called The Holy Sabbath.  Later it became just The Sabbath.  That was modified to Sunday, and now it is just the weekend."  Maybe it is time to get back to honoring an old fashioned Sabbath.

Brother Smith concluded with the English calendar has Sunday as the last day of the week.  He likes to think of it as the first day of the week, the day that sets the tone for the rest of the week.  And, Sunday is the whole day, not just three hours in church.  Thinking ahead of this day and planning how you will find delight in it will make a difference. He referred to Spencer W Kimball saying that the Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts.  It does take effort to find the delight, but if your heart is willing it will come.  And then this one from Harold B Lee:  “It is okay to pull a cow out of the mud on Sunday, providing you didn’t push him in on Saturday night.”

The next week was busy with  our shift at the temple, doctor appointments, housekeeping, shopping, and other such errands.  I could not find my piano glasses on Sunday and began a search to find them.  We moved furniture, checked every drawer in the flat, scoured the Primary and Relief Society rooms at the church, checked the lost and found area, and came up empty handed.  I talked with various members of the ward and no one had seen them.  It was a mystery for the week and even the next Sunday we searched the building again and did not find them.  Where could they be?  I ended up ordering a new pair. 

The week wound up with Natalie going to the temple for her first time.  I was her escort and Sister Irwin her guide.  It was a wonderful time and Natalie relished in all she participated in.  It was a joy to be there with her.  There were several sisters from the ward who joined our group.  Some of us gathered in the canteen afterward for a meal and conversation.  None of us really wanted it to end, but the daily schedule set in and we had to go our separate ways.  Natalie left beaming and filled with joy.

After shift on Saturday, we went out for a meal at Smith & Western.  The servers and staff were dressed in Holloween fashion in honor of the day.  The holiday atmosphere was fun.  When we got home, our neighbors were dressed up with their grandchildren and bringing treats to everyone.  We had lollies for the children and it was fun to see their excitement.

Our spooky Halloween!!

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