12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Week of Nature: 29 September - 5 October 2015

I failed to put in the blog post last week about the lunar eclipse.  We got up at 3 a.m., took the camera, and went out to watch it Monday morning, the 28th.  Sister Cannon and Sister Stewart from the mission office were out watching as well.  We decided that since the next one will be in 2033, we had better watch this one because we are not sure just where in the universe we will be then!

This was a glorious week of sunshine, five days out of six!  We caught nature in fall fashion on the temple grounds.

Can you see the airplane?  During the summer they fly over about every eight minutes.  Sometimes that can become a bit annoying.

Dad made it out on the day without sunshine for photos.  We woke up to a heavy mist.  Sister George says:  "If we were in Kent, we would be saying, it's a hops picking morning!"  The warm days and the cold nights and mornings bring on the mist and that makes it the perfect time to pick hops for making beer.

 The horse across the road doesn't seem to mind the mist.
 The Manor House.

As the mist begins to leave.

The week was busy with the usual of cleaning, laundry, and shopping.  We taught Natalie her last temple preparation lesson and she scheduled her interview for her recommend.  We are excited for her progress.  Sister Stone, the stake music chairman, called to ask if I would work with missionaries at the temple in preparing a choir for stake conference in December.  I got busy with that and have quite a few who want to participate.  We will rehearse here and then join the main choir for the last rehearsal.

President has asked us to be shift Leaders, beginning when the Coopers leave in two weeks.  We said we would and began the learning process for all that we need to know.  We met with the Coopers and the Heads to discuss all that is involved.  The Heads are the Assistant Shift Leaders over training.

We ended the week with watching General Conference.  We picked up the sessions live, at 5 pm and 9 pm, on Saturday and Sunday.  We are excited for the call of new apostles to complete the quorum.  The Lord's church works in an orderly fashion with the exercise of revelation to His chosen prophet on the earth.  These three new apostles shared feelings of the heart and bore testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.

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