12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Temple Week #50, 19-25 May 2015

We were on the early shift this week.  The temple was slow but patrons that did come did lots of work.  We were both on regular lines, meaning we were doing this and that and something else.  Our afternoons and evenings were filled with errands, etc.

We were off to Spire Gatwick Hospital after shift on Tuesday.  Dad had an appointment with a dermatologist whose office is at hospital.  The weather had turned stormy with lightening and thunder, but we made the drive in spite of wind, rain, and hail.  It was quite the journey but we made it there safely.  The doctor took a biopsy of the place on Dad's face and assured us that it was one of two types of growth, neither of which was a concern.  He just wanted to know how to treat it.

Wednesday night was family home evening for our shift.  The Allen's gave a lesson on the atonement and then Brother and Sister Walters put on a skit he had written.  Oh, it was funny.  Brother Walters is quite the entertainer and really gets into his parts.  We laughed and laughed and laughed.  He speaks like a real English bloke and at times it was very difficult to understand.  Dad and I were in charge of games and taught Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar.  Some knew it, some learned quickly, and some were just silly with it.

The Tooley's are still trying to get used to being here.  We took them with us on Thursday when we went to the chiropractor.  After that we went to the grocery store, craft store, and then to eat at Toby Carvery.  They were so excited to go to a different store and really liked the super store.  She was wanting to buy knitting needles and when she saw we were at a craft store, well that just sealed the deal of having a good time.  They enjoyed the English meal and being in the car with us, talking, sharing, and laughing.  They could not thank us enough when we got back from the outing.

Sister Smith came over for us to visit teach her.  She prefers to come here as it gives her an outing of her tiny flat.  We enjoyed the lesson with discussion and then she and I played a few rounds of Bananagrams.  It did break up the evening.

Natalie had a barbecue Saturday.  We went after shift and enjoyed being there.  She had the missionaries, Elder Hafen & Elder Wetsel from America, her friends Theresa & Ron McQueen (he is American and she is Asian), and Theresa's friends Chris & Jan, our age.  We enjoyed meeting new people and sharing life experiences.  Theresa grilled the meat and it was delicious.  We had beef, chicken, sausage, and pork.  All of the sides added nicely to the meal.  Natalie lives on the fourth floor of the building and has a full patio. What a view of Crawley we had and could even see further.

I baked my first loaf of bread here in England.  I was surprised at how well it turned out.  I guess a year of learning how to run the oven, use the bakeware, and know how to use their ingredients is beginning to pay off.
It was pretty yummy as well!

Dad said this biscuit was for Gabe.  He always likes his biscuits with jam or honey.

The weather is cooler than it was this time last year when we got here.  The buds and blossoms are later in coming out so it is becoming quite the land of color.

Today we remember the fallen in military service. Memorial Day originally was known as Decoration Day, and began in 1868 following the Civil War. It was a time to "decorate" the graves of those who lost their lives in service. Since that time, over one million of our choice men and women have died in the cause of freedom. May we always recognize the blessings we have from being an American, living how we choose to live because someone else chose to defend our freedom to do so. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Juliann took her children and paid respect to my Dad, Clyde Jackson Farar, for his military service.
Brynlyn, Adellae, & Collins

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