12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Temple Week #49, And Our Anniversary! 12-18 May 2015

The week was filled with our late shift at the temple, shopping, chiropractor appointments, errands, etc.  But the highlight was finding real corn tortillas online.  I ordered them one day and they were here the next and, they were the real thing.  We were so excited and had them for dinner the day they came.  The company is in London and you can bet we will be ordering more.

Trees are in bloom and. . . .
"I looked out the window and what did I see?  Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!"

We were in the baptistery and there were not many sessions, but the ones we did have were really nice.  Saturday wrapped them up with two from Cardiff.  These saints were well organized and came with hundreds of family file names.  They hoped to complete the stack and to make that happen, one adult brother was baptized and confirmed 55 times.  It was amazing to see his stamina and those assisting.

Happy Anniversary To Us!
Saturday, the 16th, marked us being here one year.  Wow, the time has gone by fast as we think back on that first week of being here and all the new experiences we were having and then trying to get into the routine of the temple and overcome jet lag.  It has been quite the experience and we look forward to this next year with joy in our service and the wonderful blessings of being in this beautiful country.  I have come to love the British saints for their deep testimonies and obedience to the gospel.  They come from near and far at great sacrifice to participate in the temple and feel the loving influence of our Savior.  We have made friends with some of them and admire their lives and commitment.  We celebrated this special day with going out to dinner at a new restaurant for us - Frankie & Benny's.  It is New York style food and our meals were tasty.

We enjoyed the Sunday meetings and our primary class.  Talks were given by a family with the topic of loving all people, do not judge, and that we are children of Heavenly Father, He loves us and we have great potential.  Playing the piano for singing time is always a delight.  I learn so much about the families in the ward by what the children say, and they really do sing "lovely."  Sister Craggs is a great chorister in getting the children's attention and working with them as they learn new songs.

Tyler sent this picture of a license plate on a car going down the freeway in Gilbert.  He said it made him think of us.  It is neat.  We shared it with other American missionaries and they too enjoyed it.
Oh, to be in England.

Saturday evening and then on Sunday we took time to call all of the children.  It was great to hear how they are doing and see some of them via FaceTime.  

Sunday evening was a Hi & Bye.  Elder & Sister Crocker, Elder & Sister Ibbotson, and Sister Freeman are going home.  Sister Christensen and Elder & Sister Tooley have joined us from America.  The Tooley's are on our shift.
 President & Sister Johnson with Sister Freeman.
 President & Sister Johnson with Elder & Sister Ibbotson.
Adding music to the meeting.  We sang primary songs and they were a delightful change.

We were sad to hear of the unexpected passing of Tyler Anthony Tilton.  He is the son of Evan and Kim, Kim is our neice.

Tyler “Ty” Anthony Tilton, age 18 of Garland, TX, returned to our Heavenly Father on May 15, 2015. He was born July 16, 1996, in Mesa, AZ, to Evan S. and Kimberli F. Tilton. Ty was an honor graduate from Lakeview Centennial High School. He was an Eagle Scout, a life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a loving husband and father to his wife and son.

Ty is survived by his loving wife: Halle Tilton; son: Tyler Anthony Tilton II, parents: Evan and Kimberli Tilton; brother: Jayson Evan Tilton; sister: Christina Marie Tilton; a large extended family; and many special friends, including Natalie Price Gilmore and Jacob Engstrom.

Funeral services will be held 12:00pm Friday, May 22, 2015, at Rest Haven Funeral Home-Rockwall Chapel with President Darwin Smith officiating. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Memorial Park. 

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