12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Temple Week #48, 5 - 11 May 2015

We had another group of saints in from Paris at the temple for the week.  They kept us busy and the youth were busy in the baptistry.  Saturday came along and two more coaches arrived as well as patrons that came on their own.  With both shifts working together on Saturdays, we were able to handle the load.

We did find time and the weather was nice enough, we took a stroll on the temple grounds and captured photos of its beauty.

Bluebells were scattered here and there.

 Looking towards the gardener's shop.
I like the ripple in the spire created by the breeze.

This was "eat with others," week.  Wednesday, Sister Bustamante and Sister Clark joined us for dinner in our flat.  I had put a roast and veggies in the slow cooker before going to the temple, and when we got home, it was perfect for sharing.  We enjoyed the meal, lively conversation, and ordering a coach ticket online for Sister Bustamante to go to Coventry the end of the month.  We then pulled out the cards and taught them Cribbage.  Sister Bustamante has never played cards in her whole life!  She was game, though, and a good sport.  Sister Clark has a mind for games and puzzles and she slowly caught on and then they humored us by playing three games.  There was lots of laughter and fun.  We have missed playing card games.  Hardly anyone around here plays with cards.

Thursday, we went out to dinner at Smith & Western, with the Coopers, Garretts and Davis' in respect to the Davis' leaving soon.  It was really a nice evening and we all enjoyed the food and telling one story after another.  When one was told, someone else had to see if they could top it!  When we were finished, Brother Cooper was the clean up crew as he asked for a box to take his leftover food home, and wound up taking all of our leftover food home!  The Davis' shared their experience of buying a car and a house online for when they leave.  That sounds pretty scary but they felt good about it since they have been military and have moved so much, to them, what is one more house?

Saturday was the big eat out meal at the Thai restaurant in Lingfield.  There were more than twenty of us to send the Mulholland's, Crocker's, and Ibbotson's on their way.
 Brother & Sister Ibbotson from Australia
 Brother & Sister Crocker from England
Elder & Sister Mulholland from Canada.
 I had pad Tai noodles.
Dad had prawn.

Dad and the boys, Elder Mulholland, Elder Cooper, and Elder Parkinson, went to Toby Carvery on Monday.  They enjoyed a full English breakfast of eggs, potatoes, meat, beans, and toast.  It was buffet style with different ways the eggs and potatoes were cooked and various types of meats.  They had a great time and enjoyed the meal.

Other events that filled our week included chiropractor visits, shopping, family home evening with our shift, and the general election that took place here.  I was attentive to it as our member of parliament was up for re-election.  I have a request in with his office for a tour of Big Ben and it was important if he was re-elected.  He was so I sent in the request.

This is the season for bluebell flowers that grow wildly wherever they desire.  We made a trip to Arlington and went on the Bluebell Walk.  The weather was great other than very high winds.  We stayed bundled up and were able to take pictures.  

 Fields and fields of bluebells.

 This picture was for the tree.  Look at the many branches and how they all grow heavenward.

 We are not sure what this furry growth is.

 "Ducks in a pond quack a happy song."

 From The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein.  "And the tree was happy."

 Part of the walk leads through a field of sheep.

 All the colors.

Sunday, was Mother's Day in America.  I heard from my children via Face Time, emails, texts, and Facebook posts.  They were all memories of being a mother, children growing up, and the joy of family.  I posted this picture on Facebook in tribute to my mother.

I remember this day:  We drove into town (Yuma) for me to get a perm.  We went to Theda Lines' beauty shop and she put the perm in.  Mom had natural curly hair and I think she had hoped I would have had it as well.  She taught me how to take care of my body and  to look my best.  We took this picture when we got home.  I think I was fourteen or fifteen.

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