12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Rest of Break, 12 -16 March 2015

We enjoyed another delicious breakfast, this time with an older English couple who had come in last night.  Their daughter just moved to the village and they are here to visit.  They were delightful in conversation and sharing what they know about the area.

We packed up and decided we would head home.  We were going to stop at the Goodrich castle, but it was closed until the first of April.  The journey was safe.  We unpacked and followed up on plans for our lesson on Sunday.  The lesson is on prayer, so we want to give the children prayer rocks.  There are none here at the temple and if there are some along the roads, well you can't stop to pick them up.  We went to Haskins.  They have them in large bags and we only need ten.  Dad called Steve Vowels and he said he could get us some.

Friday was busy with errands.  I had a chiropractor appointment, we picked up clothes from the cleaners and meds from Boots.  We went to Crawley to go to the walk in clinic so I could be seen.  I was treated for thrush and we went to Burger King for lunch.  Look what we found!
Yes! Free refills with all the ice you want!

We went to the craft store for fabric for Carter's two year old quilt and stopped at Sainsburys for groceries.  It was 4 p.m. by the time we had gotten home.  Our few errands turned into all day.

We went to the Vowels for dinner and to pick up the cobbles, as they call them.  Steve's friend works by the beach and today he picked some up for us.  We had bangers (sausage) and mash (mashed potatoes) for dinner along with carrots and peas.  Our plates were served and waiting for us when we arrived.  All the children were at their places.  We enjoyed the meal and then ended it with a dessert of ginger cake and custard.  Adam is learning the piano and performed for us.  We enjoyed visiting with one another and saying hi to JJ and Mark who are both in our class.

We were back off to Crawley on Saturday morning as Dad took the theory part of the driving test.  It was to last an hour, but he was quick, remembered what he had studied, and was finished before the time was up and, he passed!  Now to schedule the driving part of the test with an instructor in the car.

While he was taking the test, I was shopping at the mall.  At home, we did laundry and prepared for the lesson tomorrow.  We went to movie night and watched "The Life of Pi."  We learned that today is Pi day, and this year it is special because it falls on 3.1415.  The one that beats this one is 3.141592.  We didn't know there was such a thing as "Pi" day, but our primary class did!  We enjoyed a phone conversation with Jeanna.

We did not pick up Natalie for church on Sunday as she was resting from a procedure she had done on her back on Friday.  Brother and Sister Mulholland and Sister Smith rode with us to church.   Today is Mother's Day in England and the sacrament meeting talks centered on mothers.  There was no mention of all women being mothers in some way or another, just stories about mothers that made a difference in someone's life.  I played for the primary to sing a song for the mothers and then the children passed out these cards they made on Saturday:

Our lesson went well and the children enjoyed playing prayer language bingo and the prayer rocks we had for them.  They were more excited than usual and I figured it out that it was because of the holiday.    Ella Hunt was the youth speaker for sacrament meeting and she gave a wonderful talk about her mother and all that she does for her and what she teaches her.  She said that at times she tells her things she doesn't agree with but she knows it is best.  I commented on what she said in class and she replied:  "My Dad had me put that in.  He practically wrote my talk."

New converts from Brighton presented the fireside at the Visitors Centre.  Toeson and Jessie, both at university, were the speakers and were brilliant in sharing their testimonies.  Jessie talked about how the atonement has helped her.  She said that while growing up she was always mean to the people who loved her because she felt that if someone loved you they would put up with you.  She was in middle school and had a very close friend.  One day in class, he said something to her that hurt her and she decided she had to have revenge.  When he was away from his desk she wrote some very bad and unkind things on his homework paper inside the folder.  Later, he read it and was shocked.  She sat there watching him and saw his expression and tears falling down his cheeks.  She could not figure out why he was crying.  He was very hurt, closed the book, and never talked to her again.  
Jessie said that she has realized her behavior then was wrong and that the atonement has helped to make right those actions and will continue to bless her life.  

Monday was busy with cleaning, errands here on the temple grounds, preparing food, wrapping presents to mail, blogging, and general stuff.  Tomorrow we are back to work and the days will not be so free.  No sun for the last four days.  I figured out to use the sun lamp and it really does make a difference for me.

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