12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Temple Week #37, 17 - 23 February 2015

Week #37:  The days changed from clouds and rain to sunshine; less sunshine, but even the little bit we got was enjoyed.  Dad did better but was still sick some and had a cough.  One of the other missionaries said his philosophy is:  "You can't get rid of it until you give it to someone!"  Everyone is trying to stay healthy while some are sick and out for several days.

We were on the late schedule and we did have a fair amount of patrons in the temple.  I followed several sessions and we attended a session before our shift on Wednesday.  One day was particularly slow and then Saturday seemed to burst at the seams with patrons.  We were busy in all areas of the temple all day long.

I joined Sister Docherty and Sister Dyer for a round of Rummiekub (Rummiecube in America) one evening.  They played every night but getting off after 8:30 p.m. was not very convenient as they were on the early shift and went to bed before long.

One morning snow began to fall.  It didn't last very long, but was fun to watch as we ate breakfast.  We are like a couple of kids getting all excited when it snows!  For desert rats, it is a novelty.
Snow is falling all around, on the rooftops, on the ground.

We made trips to the chiropractor for my back and neck and I am feeling improvement and really enjoy the adjustments.  Doctor Deborah is thorough and attentive to my needs.  I am glad to see progress.

Our assistant shift coordinators go home at the break, so new ones were called;  Brother and Sister Cooper from America.

Saturday, Natalie Green took us to dinner to T.G.I. Fridays.  We picked her up and she had made reservations which was a good thought as they were packed the whole time we were there.  She wanted to make sure they could accommodate her wheel chair.  Dad and Natalie had steak and I had shrimp.  We each had a different dessert and enjoyed all the food.  We talked of church, life experiences, and what the future holds.  We learned more about each other and talked about how much we enjoy one another.  In true English style:  "We had a lovely meal and the choice of company was brilliant."

Same Language, Different Meaning:  While having dinner with Natalie, we shared our travels with Dennis last weekend.  She asked:  "How did you find Stonehenge?"  I answered:  "Oh, we have a sat nav and it took us right to the place."  She smiled and responded:  "No, I meant how did you find Stonehenge as a place?  What did you think about it?"  We both had a good chuckle as we realized I thought of something totally different than she when she used the word find!

During the week, Dad and I worked on the lesson for primary.  We also considered our strategy for discipline as Dad said they were a pretty rowdy group two weeks before.  We came up with a plan and prepared the lesson and felt positive about it.

Sunday came and primary time arrived.  We implemented the plan and had huge success.  We cleaned and set up the room when we first arrived at the building and then had music playing with Dad instructing the children to enter reverently. The lesson was on Jesus cleansing the temple and fit perfectly with developing respect and reverence in the classroom.  One boy was particularly obnoxious so Dad sat by him and reined him in.  The other children willingly participated as we developed class guidelines in what we each expect to get out of the class.  When it came time to get into the scriptures, they were right there ready and willing to read and discuss.  It was a neat experience to be there with them.  We just hope we can all continue to have a good experience each Sunday.

We went into singing time and they did not have a pianist.  I offered to help only to their surprise that I played.  Without hesitation and with joyous smiles, they invited me to the piano.  Throughout singing time one of them would say in a low voice:  "We have a pianist."

As I played, it reminded me of the many times I have played for primary and then I thought of Juliann who is a primary chorister at present.  Wouldn't it be fun to play for her!  I was impressed with the voices of these children.  They sang like angels with clear pure tones.

We had brought Natalie Green to church with us and took her and Natalie Senior home afterward.  Sister Freeman rode with us so it was a full car with plenty of conversation.

We were scheduled to go on a mini bus trip on Monday, but Dad was still sick and the cough seemed to be worse.  He started taking the codeine cough syrup we brought with us and it really settled him down.  He slept and rested all day and we didn't even go out to the farewell dinner for the Keys.  They are leaving at the break and we will miss them.

I was busy with laundry, cleaning, and food.  I also blogged, emailed, ordered some things online, and practiced the piano.  I also had choir rehearsal at 8 p.m.  The French saints are here and were having dinner in the room but were okay with us rehearsing at the other end.  As we were getting set up, I was at the piano warming up and a mom was walking her 9-12 month old around the room but he was heading toward the piano.  She commented to others that he was going toward the music.  As they got closer, I stopped and bent down to invite him on my lap.  He wasn’t sure at first but did agree to come.  I got him on my lap and played Twinkle Little Star and then Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words.  He sat so very quiet and watched my hands and the keys move.  Everyone else in the room were in awe.  The mother called her family and friends over to see and the missionaries could not believe I was playing with him on my lap.  It was a very sweet moment for me as I reflected on the many times my grandchildren have sat on my lap while I played the piano.

From Home:

Collins wears his first tie to church.

We are baptistry coordinators for week #38, and are on the early shift.  We arrive at 8:15 a.m., change, attend preparation meeting and are ready for the first baptism session at 9 a.m.  The French are scheduled Tues - Fri at this time.

From Home:
Brynlyn is happy, even with a busted lip.

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