12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Temple Week #38, 24 February - 1 March 2015

With the French here we were busy each morning in the baptistry with a session of their youth.  They were a joy to have as they participated with reverence.  A group from Norway came one morning and then on Saturday we had a group of Portuguese youth from London.  They were excited to be in the temple and enjoyed participating in the ordinances.  They came with adequate leaders that helped with handing out clothing, directing them where to be when, and doing the laundry.  We would have been beat to pulp without their help.  Another group from Norfolk came in right after them and we were busy sorting cards, clothing youth, and organizing the priesthood brethren in each area.  A Brother and Sister Austin came in from 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. as volunteers from a ward in the temple district.  They were amazing and were so willing to do anything they were asked.  When our shift ended, Dad stayed to help with the next two groups and he and Brother Austin worked together  handing out clothing and keeping up with the laundry.

I have the cold again and Dad is still getting over his.  We both have coughs and tried to keep as well as we could.  I had a coughing fit in one area of the temple, with watering eyes and running nose.  I left out and got over it only to have it happen again the next time I went in.  I concluded there is something in there that sets off my cough.  The coordinator found other tasks for me to do.  I had trips to the chiropractor and continue to have more motion in my neck and back.

Natalie Green and other new converts in the ward had a baptism session on Thursday night.  I went over to be with them.  Natalie couldn't be baptized but she scooted up the steps backward to be able to watch Lois be baptized for her ancestors and then she did the confirmations.  It was nice to be there with her and the other new members and feel their joy as they participated in saving ordinances for their ancestors.

Sam, Lorili, Kim, and Jeanna had birthdays this week.  We called and sang our special song to them.  We enjoyed visiting with them on their special days.

Sam turned 10.

Lorili and Eliza. 
Lorili turned 12 on her birthday and celebrated by going to the Mesa temple with her parents and cousins Pearson and Isabel, and Uncle Nelson.


In primary, we taught about how Jesus Christ called his apostles and what they were to do.  We then discussed our modern day apostles and played a match game of the names with pictures.  We challenged them to prepare to listen to conference in April and choose an apostle's talk they particularly like.  Can you match them up?
     Boyd K Packer,  L Tom Perry, Russell M Nelson, Dallin H Oaks, M Russell Ballard
     Richard G Scott, Robert D Hales, Jeffrey R Holland, David A Bednar, Quentin L Cook
     D Todd Christofferson, Neil L Anderson

Dad shared this photo that was taken in the mid 60's, with the class.  There are seven future prophets in this Quorum of the Twelve.  Can you identify them?  

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