12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Back To Work, 15 - 21 March 2016

We were back to work at the temple from being off for two weeks.  We were on the late schedule this week.  Sometimes the evenings go slow.  Rex and Nora Jensen were here for the week and we enjoyed going out for breakfast with them to Toby Carvery.  On Saturday they then brought dinner to our flat.  The rooms in accommodation are rather small for four people.  We also went on a session together on Thursday.  We tried to get in a fair amount of time with them as we will be gone when they come again.  We will miss seeing them.
Nora & Rex Jensen.  Bob & Barbara.  Trying our hand at taking selfies.

The rest of the week was busy with the usual errands.  We did call Henry for his birthday.  He was happy and glad he had a birthday, as we are!  We helped the Crowthers move from the Manor House to the Lodge.  It will be nice to have them closer.  A new missionary couple, David & Terrie Fitch arrived on Saturday and they are on our shift.  They joined us for Sunday dinner and it was nice to get to know them a little more.  This is their fourth mission.  They will be a great asset to our shift.  We lost seven missionaries from our shift at shut down and the Fitch's will have to replace all of them!

On Monday, we went to Bob's last appointment with Mr. Swinn concerning the kidney stones.  He gave us a report on the lab work, a copy of the report of the surgery,  and instructions for future attacks and sent us on our way.    We were happy to have that issue completed.

The weather was windy, overcast, and rainy here and there and in spite of it, we headed out for a sight seeing adventure following the appointment.  Our first stop was the little village of Lacock.

We parked in the car park and walked the foot path to Lacock Abbey.
The abbey was founded as a medieval nunnery in 1232.
Barbara getting ready to enter.
 Various families lived in the abbey as a home throughout the centuries.  175 years ago William Henry Fox Talbor announced his invention, the photographic negative. He lived here at the abbey at the time of his invention which was a tiny image of a window at the abbey.

  The clock tower is in the courtyard.

The cloister ceiling.

 Inner Courtyard
 A couple of rooms off the cloister.
 One of the Harry Potter movies has scenes filmed in the abbey.

 Kitchen.  Note the ice box on the left of the table and stove.  A dumb waiter is to the left of the ice box.
 The Treasure Room.

 Barbara providing a classical rendition with Bob adding his ability with the harp.
 Now this is a room.  It was wonderful to stand in it and feel the fun one could have.  They told us this was where the children played.
I wonder who lives in this little cottage?

From the abbey we walked on into the village.
Lacock Bakery.

 King John's Hunting Lodge, the oldest building in Lacock, dating back to the 13th century.

Church of St. Cyriac.

One of the narrow streets.  A good reason to walk.

 This is where the market scene was filmed, minus the cars, in one of the episodes of Downton Abbey, 2016.

The sun had come out and we were feeling good so off to Castle Combe we headed, another little village on the edge of the Cotswolds.    It is known as "The Prettiest Little Village in England."  On the way we drove through this little village.  The sign says it all.

 The Bybrook River meanders through the town providing lovely scenes.  Check out the steps down to the water.

The house above the road.

 Bob and our car are in front of The White Hart.  The pub has sold ale on these premises continuously for the past five centuries.
The one-sided bridge, also known as the 'Roman Bridge.'  Look closely and you will see the side in front does not have a wall on it.

The Market Square.  Citizens would come here to sell their wares on market day. 

St Andrew's Church is on the market square.  Construction on the tower began in 1435, funded by the wealthy businesses in the village at that time.

This is the clock that rang the bell.  It struck 3 while we were in the church.  It reminded Bob of the workings in his grandfather clock he has given to his son Bob 

 This was traditionally the home of the village doctor.  It was also Dr. Dolittle's house in the film shot in the village in 1966.

 Another bridge over the river.

 The table on the left has baked goods for sale with prices and a box to put the money in.  Notice the pillar (mail) box on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures. Thanks for the walk through the Prettiest little village in England.
