12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December is here, 1 - 7 December 2015

December is here and the joy of remembering the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We began the Advent Calendar to keep us on track with the purpose of the month.  We began the early shift in the temple this week.    The rest of our time each day was used in doctor appointments, music rehearsals, shopping, hair cuts, attending an Activities Committee meeting, and planning rotas.  With our new responsibilities the rotas become our daily activity as we try to organize the workers and provide a pleasant atmosphere in the temple.  We have gotten really good at calling the periodic workers to verify their attendance.  Those phone calls sure can make a difference in the efficiency of our shift.

We attended Stake Conference Saturday night and then on Sunday.  Sunday, I sang in the choir.  I had been directing the missionaries in rehearsals at the temple and we all came together with the other members of the stake to sing.  Sister Stone had selected beautiful songs and when we sang, the sound was powerful and inviting.  We sang "How Gentle God's Commands," and an arrangement of "Love One Another," for prelude.  Then we sang as a musical item during the meeting, "Think Of Me And Remember."    It is an inspiring piece of music with four parts.
During the talks on Sunday, we learned that a 'believer' is one who keeps the commandments and has the spirit with them when they share the gospel.  As Timothy said:  "Be an example of the believers..."

It is important to read out of the best books.  Use your time more effectively with the truths which our eternal future depends on.  We can provide a protection for our spirit and our mind by reading worthwhile literature and other such media.  We can made the scriptures the most important books we read.

Stake Patriarch Sterland spoke about putting on the whole armor of God.  The shield of faith, which wraps around you will quench the fiery darts of the adversary.  The helmet of salvation will protect our mind and the breastplate of righteousness is where we feel the spirit.  Putting on the whole armor of God is not a fight but is a joyous occasion.

Europe Area Seventy, Elder Matti T Jauttenus of Finland was the visiting authority and concluded the meeting.  He suggested we give more meaningful time in prayer; not with a list of requests or expressions of gratitude, but maybe a quiet prayer asking Heavenly Father to let you know how much He loves you and then just listen.  He reminded us of Elder Bednar's comment that when we do the same thing over and over we will always get what we've always gotten.  We need to do something different to grow, to increase, and to gain knowledge.  The spirit is the teacher and we need to listen to the words not spoken.

The many stories, thoughts, and testimonies shared were inspiring and uplifting.  I was very happy to have been there and came away with renewed efforts in some areas.

Sunday ended with a Hi & Bye.    We said 'Hi" to  three couples.
 Brother & Sister Williams from England are here for six months.  He is a sealer and they are on the B Shift.
 Elder & Sister Crowther are from America.  They are here for 18 months and are on our shift, the A Shift.
Brother & Sister Mills are from England and are on the B Shift.  They are here for six months.

We said "Bye" to Sister Ria Smith.   She is the last person that was here when we arrived all those many months ago and was so sweet and helpful in so many ways.  She went on a trip with us last March and we have walked to Felbridge together, gone on many van trips and bus trips together and she has fed us fish dinners and we have had much laughter and fun together.  We will miss her!

It was neat to hear about them and feel more acquainted.  Everyone has a story and some are very interesting.

We were off to hospital for Bob to have a blood draw on Monday.  From there we headed to Blue Water Mall to take a look at the shops and see if anything was of interest to us.  Nothing was but we did have lunch at Five Guys.  The purpose of the trip was to end up at Leeds Castle to celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary.

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