12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Sunday, December 20, 2015

8 - 14 December 2015 And Our Anniversary

I wanted to stay in a castle for our anniversary and Leeds Castle fit the bill.  We arrived about 2:30 p.m.,  It had been cloudy and rainy all day but the clouds broke and the sun came out just as we arrived.  It was wonderful to see the blue sky and the sun rays filtering through the bare trees onto the green grass, the mote, and the lake.  The water fowl were all over the place as people were feeding them.  It was a beautiful sight.

 Maidens Tower where we stayed.  The castle is to the right.

Upon arrival we checked in and a man drove us to the castle, through the gate house.
 We entered Maidens Tower through the second door.  Our room is the corner in front, first floor.  In England, the bottom floor is the ground floor and the first floor above it is the first floor.
 The door is as old as the shutters.  This is the view from the inside.
Up the stairs we went to our room.

 We went up to our room and checked it out.  We were amazed at how thick the walls were.  The wooden shutters on the window are over 300 years old!
The bed was comfy and the wardrobes held our luggage.
The bathroom with ancient old shutters on the window like in the room.
We headed out to take pictures with the last of the lingering sunlight.  I am waving from our window.
The castle was beautiful and we were told a wedding was going on inside.
 A view from across the moat.
The bridge to the gatehouse.
The last rays of the fading sunshine.

We had reservations at the restaurant for dinner.  The man came round and drove us to it.  We were surprised at the beauty of the castle at night.  We have been to several castles during the day, but seeing this one at night was a new experience.  Standing in the dark, looking across the moat, it looked like it was sitting on a crystal clear mirror.

Although we celebrated our anniversary in an ancient old castle, it did not match the beauty and peace of this holy house where we were married and sealed for time and all eternity 48 years ago. 

Mesa Arizona Temple.  I love the clear blue sky!

We were on the afternoon shift at the temple.  Attendance was low.  We ran errands during the week and I was over to Sister Johnson's to practice on her grand piano in plans for their devotional next Monday.  We got the flat cleaned and the laundry done.  I took a chance and made a pecan pie.  It didn't turn out too well as I over baked it.  I am not sure if I will get the hang of this oven before I leave.  The Allen's came for dinner on Sunday.  She brought a lemon loaf that was delicious.  We ended the evening with attending the Manna Road Gospel Choir fireside at the Visitors' Centre.  They were amazing.  They are a group of black members and friends that are known for their blend and harmonizing of voices in song.

I woke up Sunday night being sick.   By morning I was better but had low energy.  In between resting I was able to get the laundry done and the flat cleaned.  I thought by noon I would be better, but not so.  I called and made arrangements to bow out of playing at the devotional and then singing in Brother Rogers' Christmas FHE fireside.  I was sad to miss the events but would not have been much help if I had participated.

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