12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kendal and Family Come! 13 - 19 October 2015

The week began with making plans for Kendal and family to come.  We had several phone calls in planning activities and a grocery list.  We had doctor appointments and hair cuts.  We were busy with our first week of being shift coordinators on our own!  It was scary as a lot was left to us to do and we wanted to be sure it was done right.  Planning rotas for the next week took time and we wanted to be ahead of the one two weeks out as we would be planning that one when Kendal's family was here and that would really be a conflict.

We made it through to Friday and Kendal's family came in that evening.  They were staying in the accommodations centre and having meals with us in our flat.  She surprised us by stopping in at the temple and I got a call to come to the front desk.  What joy to see her!!

Saturday, began with Nate baptising Bridger and Kendal with Dad assisting.  I was at the flat with Sam, McKenna, and Eme.  I told Eme on the phone that when she came I wanted a big, big hug from her, and she was good on her word.  What a hug I got!

Dad and I were off to begin our shift and they headed out for a day of adventure, going to Hughendon for family activities, touring, and seeing the sites.  They also spent time with Sister Reeder, a senior missionary here in the mission from their ward.  We see her when she comes to the temple and always enjoy a hug and hello.

We all met up in the evening and enjoyed sharing experiences, laughter, and fun being together.

We were off to church on Sunday and we enjoyed listening to the Primary Sacrament Program.  While we  prepared a meal, Grandpa took the kids to the prime meridian line in East Grinstead.

 Bridger, Sam, McKenna, and Eme.
 They found time for Grandpa to give them a spin in the park.
Whee. . . . .around we go. . . . .

An empty car park at the temple makes for a quiet weekend.

 and then met the Vowels family at the dining room in the accommodations centre for dinner and visiting.  Kendal and Nate had met them last year and wanted to reconnect with them.  We had chicken and rice casserole, peas and carrots, salad, rolls, and Natalie brought a huge apple pie from Costco for dessert.  Tony & Denise Vowels brought the drink and then we had ice cream cones for the children later.  It was a great time being together.

Back:  Natalie Green, Denise Vowels, Nate, J.J. Vowels, Steve Vowels, Tony Vowels.
Middle:  Kendal, Penny Vowels, McKenna, Mark Vowels, Sam, Bridger, Lizzie Vowels, Adam Vowels.
Front:  Leah Vowels, baby Becky Vowels, Stevie Vowels, Eme, Anthony Vowels.
Tony & Denise Vowels are Steve's parents and are missionaries at the temple with us.  Natalie was baptized last year and we have been teaching her the temple preparation lessons.  She will be going to the temple the end of the month.

Monday was our day together with sight seeing planned.  We began by going to breakfast at Toby Carvery in Old Windsor.  We had a great breakfast buffet meal with plenty to eat.  We then went to the castle.  The family enjoyed all there was to see and changing of the guard.

Bridger, Sam, McKenna, Eme, Grandma.
Grandpa enjoying his comfortable seat.

At Windsor Castle:  Nate, McKenna, Bridger, Eme, Sam, Kendal, Grandma, Grandpa.

We had packed sandwiches for lunch and enjoyed them as we left Windsor, headed to Stonehenge.  It was another wonderful English day with plenty of overcast, rain, wind, and cold.  When we arrived at Stonehenge we were all too lazy to get out of the car and go see the stones.  I had already seen them and Kendal and Nate weren't up to spending the money to get in.  (We saw the stones from the road as we arrived at the car park.)  Grandpa took his pass, which allowed up to 6 children to get in with him, and took the kids.  At first some of them didn't want to go but when they saw he was serious about going, they got shoes on and off they went.

Bridger, Sam, McKenna, Eme, and Grandpa.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

6 - 12 October 2015

We have been asked to be shift coordinators.  This week we were in training with Brother & Sister Cooper here to guide us along.  There is a lot to learn in how to fulfill the assignment.  They were great in showing us the way.  Next week will be the real test!

I was busy with planning rehearsals for the missionaries here to participate in the Crawley Stake Choir for conference on December 6.  Thank goodness for email in making it easy to contact and converse back and forth with those interested.  There will be around twenty of us.

We did the usual of house cleaning and laundry, shopping, and I was off to the doctor about my eyes. The infection has returned and he prescribed a more intense treatment in hopes of clearing them up.

As members of the activities committee, we are in charge of the Hi & Bye programs.  We held one this Sunday for the Coopers and the Garretts.  It will be sad to see them go as they have been such great workers at the temple, both in duty and in spirit.  Forty-four of us went to dinner the night before at the Tarana Indian restaurant in Lingfield.
Sandi & Steve Garrett from Colorado

Darryl & Terry Cooper from Wyoming

Fall is upon us and the trees on the temple grounds are parading their brilliant hue of colors for all to see.

On Monday, we took a ride on the Bluebell Railway.  The steam train took us on a 20 mile return trip between East Grinstead and Sheffield Park.
When we got our tickets punched, I thought of the conductor on the Polar Express!

 At Sheffield Park we toured the engine shed which houses many steam engines no longer in service. We enjoyed lunch in the cafe and a look through the gift shop.  We had hoped for a better day for picture taking, but it was overcast and a cold wind blew.

 The Bluebell engine pulled us back to East Grinstead.  We rode in the front of the observation car, giving us a view of where we were going.
 The engineer said she was burning Russian coal and it is blacker than other coal they use.  It belched out huge puffs of dark smoke.
 The engineer was a woman.  It was interesting to see her French manicure, pearl earrings, and necklace with coal dust covering her chest, face, and hands.  She was all smiles and seems to really enjoy her work.
 We traveled through a tunnel that extended for about a mile.

We went under a few bridges; passed fields of cows, sheep, and horses.  Pheasants were plentiful with flying up as the little train went chugging by.

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Week of Nature: 29 September - 5 October 2015

I failed to put in the blog post last week about the lunar eclipse.  We got up at 3 a.m., took the camera, and went out to watch it Monday morning, the 28th.  Sister Cannon and Sister Stewart from the mission office were out watching as well.  We decided that since the next one will be in 2033, we had better watch this one because we are not sure just where in the universe we will be then!

This was a glorious week of sunshine, five days out of six!  We caught nature in fall fashion on the temple grounds.

Can you see the airplane?  During the summer they fly over about every eight minutes.  Sometimes that can become a bit annoying.

Dad made it out on the day without sunshine for photos.  We woke up to a heavy mist.  Sister George says:  "If we were in Kent, we would be saying, it's a hops picking morning!"  The warm days and the cold nights and mornings bring on the mist and that makes it the perfect time to pick hops for making beer.

 The horse across the road doesn't seem to mind the mist.
 The Manor House.

As the mist begins to leave.

The week was busy with the usual of cleaning, laundry, and shopping.  We taught Natalie her last temple preparation lesson and she scheduled her interview for her recommend.  We are excited for her progress.  Sister Stone, the stake music chairman, called to ask if I would work with missionaries at the temple in preparing a choir for stake conference in December.  I got busy with that and have quite a few who want to participate.  We will rehearse here and then join the main choir for the last rehearsal.

President has asked us to be shift Leaders, beginning when the Coopers leave in two weeks.  We said we would and began the learning process for all that we need to know.  We met with the Coopers and the Heads to discuss all that is involved.  The Heads are the Assistant Shift Leaders over training.

We ended the week with watching General Conference.  We picked up the sessions live, at 5 pm and 9 pm, on Saturday and Sunday.  We are excited for the call of new apostles to complete the quorum.  The Lord's church works in an orderly fashion with the exercise of revelation to His chosen prophet on the earth.  These three new apostles shared feelings of the heart and bore testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Holiday Over, Dennis, & New Missionary, 22-28 September 2015

We were back to the temple this week.  Sister Cooper, my Shift Leader, injured her knee and asked if I would be in charge.  I was for the week.  I checked in with her each evening to report and then for her to give assignments for the next day.  It certainly kept me busy.

Sister Paula Carlson, from Goodyear, AZ, and a friend of my friend, Kathy Goodrich, arrived on Tuesday, the newest missionary at the temple.  We took her shopping after shift and had a great time in the store helping her sort through labels and where to find things.  She and Sister Russell came for dinner that evening.  Everyone enjoyed talking and getting to know one another.  It was a great day, indeed.

Saturday was a fantastic day in the temple.  We did more than 470 endowments and all other areas were continually busy throughout the day.  It was great to have an extra amount of temple workers and everyone worked well together in meeting the needs of the patrons.  It is such a joy to see the Lord's house filled as it was with faithful, humble patrons.  I assisted a sister in a wheelchair.  I was touched by her tender, sweet, happy spirit.  She talked about how much she enjoys coming to the temple and comes as often as she can.

We were surprised with an email from Dennis.  He was in the UK but did not have a car.  We worked out a plan and he came by train on Sunday and spent the afternoon with us.  We had a great time with lots of card playing, visiting, Sunday dinner, and a stroll on the temple grounds.
 Sister Paula Carlson, Barbara, Dennis talking "Arizona" lingo!
 Funny man Dennis!
 The traditional pose.

 A brilliant display of color.

 Dennis & Barbara. . . . . . . . .
 Dennis & Bob.  Notice all the sunshine!  Fabulous!

This was a busy week for birthdays.  Hal celebrated his on the 23rd along with. . . . . .

Nick, who turned four the same day.

Bailey turned four five days later on the 28th!

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Elder Richard G. Scott, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, on Tuesday, 22 September 2015.  He will be missed for his gentle spirit and power to teach.  We were able to watch his funeral services at the Visitors' Centre, along with other missionaries.  I smiled as his son told of family vacations and Dad never making hotel reservations; he just started looking for a place to stay when evening came.  Memories came to mind as a child myself on such occasions and then as a mother.