12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, July 20, 2015

Temple Week #59, 14 - 20 July 2015

The French saints were in the temple from Lille.  It was great to have them as we have become acquainted with many of them during our time here.  They came for the week and worked all week long.  They are an amazing group of people.  We are always sad when they leave as we know our numbers will be down.  Saturday was busy as well with plenty of patrons to keep us busy.  

The highlight of the week was Jack's return from his mission in Peru.  We were able to face time the group at the airport and see him come in and greet him in coming back to family and life.  Juliann's family was there for the excitement as well, along with Halie, and Hal's parents.

Family gathered over the weekend for Jack to report in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday.  Everyone joined in with swimming, games, sports, and celebrating Hanna's birthday, complete with a dazzling cake made by Katie.  We were sad not to be there but our thoughts and wishes were with the family. We did talk with several of them on Saturday.   Juliann sent a picture of six of our children and Eliza and Collins playing together.

 Jeanna, Kendal, Katie, Juliann

Nelson and Tyler thrown into the mix.

"You com'n?"

Rex and Nora Jensen were here for their week of service at the temple.  It was nice to see them each day and we went to dinner together at the Tarana restaurant in Lingfield, on Thursday.  We enjoyed great conversation and the food was delicious.  Afterward we took them to East Grinstead to stand on the Prime Meridian Line.  We enjoyed the outing and the beautiful grounds at the council center.

 Rex and Nora Jensen

The temple gardens are in bloom and beautiful.  The sky has been filled with beautiful white clouds and sunshine to make them even more brilliant.

Monday was filled with cleaning and laundry.  We took a different road to run errands and came upon this windmill that sits on the corner of the crossroads leading to the village of Outwood.  The drive was typical of England; plenty of tree covered narrow and then narrower roads with homes and farms everywhere - you just couldn't see them for the forest!  We turned left, we turned right, we went this way and that on roundabouts, and up and down inclines.  It was quite the ride. 

We are not sure what it is about, but did notice it is sitting on private property and visits have to be scheduled.
Dad caught me walking across the field to get a picture through the trees. 

We went to Crawley mall to look around and saw these beautiful wild flowers in the park at the mall. There are several beds of them planted by different school classes in memory of those who fought in wars.
A beautiful array of color!

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