12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, July 13, 2015

Temple Week #58 And An English Barn Dance, 7 - 13 July 2015

Boyd K Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, passed away, 3 July 2015.  His death has created the second vacancy in the Quorum.  He was known for his teaching ability and firm faith in and testimony of Jesus Christ.  He will be missed.

We were on the afternoon schedule at the temple with it being slow.   We continued our work and responsibilities as much as possible.  We were taught in preparation meeting by President Johnson to let the Holy Ghost be the teacher by being still and listen.

The rest of the time during the week was filled with errands, doctor visits, shopping, laundry, cleaning, and defrosting the freezer.  We threw in preparation for a Primary lesson in there somewhere as well.  Cherries are on and we made more than one trip to the roadside stand to replenish our bowl.  We had sun mostly for the week and very pleasant temperatures.  It did get in the high 70's a time or two and many here were hot.  We just smile.
We are in a global community when we eat strawberries from Scotland, cherries from England, and blueberries from Spain.

Dad bought a new camera and tried it out on the friendly squirrel in the back yard.  He posed nicely for the picture.

Saturday, we went to dinner and then to the stake barn dance.  We were prepared to go dancing and then thought we should not get our hopes set on a dance like we are used to.  I researched the Internet and sure enough, it was different, but a very pleasant surprise.  There was a band made up of a violin, accordion, and a guitar.  A caller was in place to direct us in dance after dance from 7 - 10 p.m.  The band took a couple of breaks to give us a chance to catch our breath.  (We would call them round dances in America.)  We had a great time with members of the ward, Sister Patternoster from the temple, and others in the stake we have come to know.  President Frost surprised me a couple of times when he turned up as my partner.

Sunday was busy with our Primary class and then baking a cake for the Hye & Bye.  We welcomed in Sister Call from Idaho and Elder & Sister Knecht from Utah.  We said farewell to Elder & Sister Curley, Elder & Sister Blake and Elder & Sister Hurley.  We will miss the Hurley's in the office and the Curley's on shift.  The Curley's are on another mission at present in the National Archives in London.  It was a great time to visit and enjoy one another's company.

Monday was another day of clouds and rain.  I chose to stay in and catch up on things in the flat.  Dad was adventurous and headed to East Grinstead to stand on The Meridian Line.  He took the grocery list and did the shopping as well.

East Court and Meridian Hall.

 The invisible line passes through East Grinstead on its way from Pole to Pole.
 Standing in the East and the West at the same time.

 This 11 1/2 ton local iron stone sits on The Meridian Line.

We finished the day with calls to Pearson, who turned 14 today; Carter, who turned 2 on the 10th; Hanna, who will turn 14 on Friday.  

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