12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

This Is It! Our Last Week, 5 - 12 April 2016

Tuesday began our last week serving in the London England Temple.  We were officiating and following on the 9 a.m. session and happy to be working together.    Paul and Ann Allen invited us for dinner along with Sister Russell as she leaves the day after us.  What a feast Ann prepared.  There was roast beef, mash, roast potatoes, gravy, green beans, carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and lemon meringue pie for dessert.  It truly was a meal fit for a king and we all enjoyed it and visiting.  We will miss the Allens.  They are sincere, hard working people, and always bright and cheery.

Barbara, Susan Russell, Ann & Paul Allen, and Bob.

Wednesday was busy with our shift; we officiated and followed the 10 a.m. session.  After shift we went for the last time shopping with Sister George and out to McDonald's for a meal.  We had a great time and enjoyed one another.  We were then off to Guildford with one last visit with Professor Powell.  He said Bob's skin graft looks great, keep it lotioned for three months, and no sun on it for a year.  After that, it will be good to go.  No sun in Yuma?

When we go home I will be able to give up the ear muffs.

Bob will start wearing a hat.

On the way home, we got an email from Halie.  Baby Clark Edward Ferguson has arrived, this day, 6 April 2016!  Wow, we are so excited as he has made us really 'Great' grandparents!

Proud father and first born.

After we got home the Irwin's dropped by for a good bye visit.  We enjoy them and will greatly miss his humor and her pure sweetness.
Union Jack mugs from the Irwins.

We took care of another session on Thursday. The weather was sunny, cloudy, rainy, breezy, and then cold by evening.  Some of the trees and shrubs are starting to bud out and turn green.  We were off for haircuts, errands, and one last visit to the podiatrist after shift.  All went well and we were back in time for dinner with the Fitch's.  It was a delicious meal of pork chops, potatoes, peas, fruit salad, and brownies and ice cream for dessert.  We enjoyed getting to know them more.  We took a bag of food stuff and other miscellany to them.

Emma has been great in taking care of our feet.  We will miss her service and her friendly personality and love of talking.

Last week I was looking out our window into the back garden when I thought I wanted to catch the early morning sun shining through the trees.

Patrons were not as many in the temple on Friday.  The session we conducted was few in number.  The French are still here and that makes for plenty of children in the baptistry as well as around the temple grounds.  After shift we were to the doctor and I drug out suitcases to begin packing.  I got two loaded up, shifted the weight, and can add more.  I gave a few more things away and sorted through other stuff.  Sister Call left us a plate with two cinnamon rolls at our door!  The Crowther's took us to dinner and we had a great time with them.  In conversation we realized they know Bruce and Debbie.  They were in the same ward together back in the late 70's.  What a surprise for all of us.  We had ice cream at their flat when we got back and Bob called Bruce.  The four of us enjoyed talking with him and making all the connection.

We stopped by for a visit with Brother & Sister Plater.  We will miss them as they have been great to work with in the temple.  They come as periodic workers and bring such a great spirit with them.  He retired as a paper decorator and they served a mission in Germany.  She is fun to engage in conversation as she always has a bright smile, a twinkle in her eye, and a story to tell.

Beryl & George Plater from Leicester.

Saturday was our last day in the temple.  We officiated and followed the 9:30 a.m. session, and then were off to Natalie's wedding.  We received good byes from fellow ordinance workers and said a special one to Brother Doughty and Sister Jeeves.  We will miss the wonderful people we work with. So many wished us well; Sister Henry, Sister Butcher, Roger & Susan Matthews, Brother & Sister Williams, Tony & Josy Brooke, Brother & Sister Peel.

We attended Natalie's wedding in the Crawley Stake Center at 1 p.m.  We both had parts in the meeting and enjoyed the experience of an English LDS wedding.  It is required by law for the couple to be married civilly.  

Our time here with Natalie has been a joy.  We first met her just after we arrived, in June 2014.  We became friends, staying in touch, talking with each other on Sundays, and at one point helped her get to church each Sunday as she was suffering from severe back problems.  We made trips out for a meal with throwing her wheelchair in the back of car and braving rain, snow, and hail.  She sought our advice and counsel as she faced choices and decisions that affected her future.  She reached her year mark of membership and we pursued her having the temple preparation lessons.  It worked out that we were able to teach them to her and what a great time that was.  We went with her to the temple and she came back several times following.  Then she met Brian and the world seemed to stop for her.  They fell head over heels in love and began figuring out how they could be married.    Her question to us was:  "When do you go home?"  This date was chosen for us to be with them and we were able to get to know Brian.  He was visiting from South Africa and that would require him immigrating to England, etc.  The process began which included Natalie going there for a month to meet his family.  They both returned to England in February and continued with the paperwork and all that was required by law for them to be married in England.

We celebrated with them in their union and completed the day with being their groom and bridge guide in the temple where they were sealed for time and all eternity at 6 p.m.  So, our mission began with Natalie and has come to a close with Natalie.  Brian thanked us for preparing her for him.  What a sweet memory she will always be to us.

Sunday was busy with church.  The bishop asked us to bear our testimonies and then I played the piano in Primary.  They surprised me with a thank you card and then these precious sweet children giving me hugs.  I got a little teary eyed.

After church, we stopped by Brian & Natalie's for lunch and last visit with them.  What a good time we had with promises to stay in touch.

We got back to the temple grounds in time to meet up with Janeen, our hairdresser, for time in the Visitors' Centre.  Beverly Jensen and Paula Carlson, fellow missionaries who go to her as well came. She brought her daughter Maddie and partner James along.  We were all excited to see each other and they were thoughtful about what the missionaries taught them about being children of a loving Heavenly Father, families being together for eternity, and what goes on inside the temple.  They left with thoughts of returning for a garden tour when more is in bloom and Janeen said:  "I've got to read the book!"
Barbara, Maddie, Janeen, and Bob

Our day ended with dinner and games at the Jensen's, and a visit from Sister George.

Monday came and we were busy the whole day with sorting, packing, and cleaning.  How did we ever accumulate so much?  It became a reminder of when we came!  But, we were a bit better at being on top of things today.  Bob got the new windshield put in the car and ran bags to recycle and charity shop.  Nigel Rogers and Bob swapped out recliners as they bought ours.  We distributed items to the Jensen's, Crowther's, Fitch's, and Sister George.  It seemed the more we got rid of the more there was still to deal with!  Brother and Sister Vowels stopped by and they even took bags with them.  Sister George was in and out a couple of times and helped with the process.

I had a late chiropractor appointment and then the President and Sister Irwin took us out to dinner.  We had a lovely meal and enjoyed visiting with them.  They have been wonderful examples and teachers for us.  We will miss working with them.

By bedtime we had accomplished a monumental task and were able to  relax and know the morning would go well.

Tuesday was the day and we arose, readied, finished the packing and last minute sorting.  Sister George came to help and she was wonderful.    We will miss her!
Barbara, Sister George, Bob

Others stopped by to say good bye and each one left with a bag of stuff or items in their hands!  The surprise was seeing Brother and Sister Key.  They are from the island of Jersey and had been missionaries during our mission in the temple.  They are here as patrons but heard we were leaving and came to say hello!  It was good to see them and renew our friendship.

President and Sister Irwin were on time at 10:30 a.m. to load our luggage and take us to Heathrow Airport.  We waved goodbye to our spot in England and headed out.
Sunshine and flowers in bloom.

We arrived safely, checked in, said goodbye to them at security, and we were on our way headed to another season in our lives.

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