12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

12 - 18 January 2016

Sister Barbara Dyer, a periodic worker was here this week on shift.   She gave the spiritual  thought in preparation meeting on Wednesday.  She asked the question:  "Does my life have meaning?"

"In regard to my temple service, I am lucky to be a part of an organization that shares experience and wisdom; where we don't have to take early retirement or make way for the young and trendy.

As the world sees it, most temple workers could be seen as past their 'sell by date.'  How wonderful it is that Heavenly Father sees such great value in us.

I recently watched a program about loneliness.  Loneliness is bad for your health, both physically and emotionally.  People are lonelier than they have ever been, and that is just not old people.  A lot of them say, 'No one needs me.'  The program went on to say that happier people found ways to serve others and find meaning in life.

What can be more meaningful than helping the living and the dead on their journey towards the celestial kingdom."

Saturday evening we were out to dinner with Peter and Janice Banks.  We went to Toby Carvery where we enjoyed a delicious traditional meal of meat and plenty of vegetables.
 We not only went as friends, but to celebrate Peter's birthday which was last week, and my birthday which is next week.

When I got up Sunday morning, there was an email from Julie asking if we had snow.  I responded with "no," but then decided I best look out the window before clicking send.  What did I see?  I saw snow!  I was so surprised.  Bob took a picture out the window but I donned shoes, jacket, and earmuffs and headed out for a better shot.  It was amazing to be outside with me making the first footprints in the snow.

It really is a magical picture.  I couldn't believe how beautiful it was to be outside with it so peaceful, serene, and still.  I was looking down at the camera, checking the photos I had taken and started to take another one when I noticed the lights had turned off!  You can see the first picture is the best one.
See my footprints.  Hee, hee.  No one else has these pictures.

Church was good.  It was ward conference so we had stake speakers and teachers.  Sacrament Meeting began and the introduction was played for the opening hymn when I noticed there was no chorister.  I jumped up and went and led the music for the meeting.  Sister Hughes, the organist, was happy I came up.

Primary Sing Time was delightful with the stake music person taking charge.  She had fun visual aids and sang songs with lots of actions as well as teaching a new song.  The children were very reverent, much more so than on a normal basis.

Thoughts and Impressions from a Sunday's Meetings

What keeps us from coming unto Christ?  1.  SIN:  Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:  though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."  2.  NOT SURE WE BELIEVE OR TRUST:  Alma 32:27 - ". . let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."  3.  WANTING AN EASY LIFE:  2 Nephi 31:12 - "follow me (Jesus Christ) and do the things which ye have seen me do."

Attitude determines altitude.  We can have great privileges and blessings in our lives if we live the gospel of Jesus Christ.  (President Uchtdorf, April Conference 2011.)

"ORDINARY people who faithfully, DILIGENTLY and consistently do SIMPLE things that are right BEFORE GOD will bring forth "EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS." (David A Bednar)

In the car park Monday morning we came upon Peter and enjoyed conversation with him when Brother Pallett came along.  Dad immediately noticed he was wearing the same hat!  Peter tried to talk me out of my earmuffs for the photo but I wouldn't budge.
Peter said:  "I believe the Americans are catching on!"

Monday found us on our way to Wimbledon to find Parkside Hospital where Dad will have the place on his face removed, 29 February.  We will stay over as he will be in overnight.  We wanted to be familiar with the area because we will be relying on the bus from hotel to hospital since I don't drive. We checked out two hotels and took the bus from one to hospital but never arrived.  We got to the end of the line and stayed on the bus to get back to the hotel.  

We were both hungry by this time and Dad said to watch for places to eat.  We passed several and then I saw Five Guys right across from a bus stop.  We hopped off and enjoyed delicious hamburgers.  This was the largest Five Guys we have been to and it was all on the same floor.  We did not have to go up or down stairs to find the toilets!   When we finished eating Dad noticed a group of employees eating at a table and he went over to thank them for a good meal and service.  The manager was very gracious and thanked us for coming and was happy our experience was so positive.  He was so happy he gave each of us a card for a free meal the next time we eat at Five Guys.

We got back to the hotel and explained how we never made it to hospital.  They told us we would have to change buses at one point.  That answered a lot of questions.  They were kind enough to print out the bus schedule and map for us.

We ended the evening playing Pinochle with Doug & Beverly.

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