12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Temple Week #62 and Harry Potter, 4 - 10 August 2015

We were on the late schedule this week, which means late nights and finding it hard to unwind and go to bed.  At least we do not have to get up early in the mornings.  I spent time at the piano and we were to the doctor and even took Sister Smith for her check up from her eye surgery.  She is doing well and on the mend. Bob was out to breakfast with the boys one morning.  Brother Walters, the only Englishman with them said:  "Yes, I am feeling pretty American today!"  I helped Brother & Sister Basten with family history.  They are good at finding people in their trees.

The Masih's were in the temple on Saturday as their grandson, Ammon, was going through for the first time.  He has his mission call to Leeds England.  They are super excited for their first grandchild missionary.  It was good to see the family and give hugs and best wishes.

We were out to dinner with Sister George and Sister Smith on Saturday.  The three of us and Sister Tooley were at the same table during lunch one day, when Sister Tooley said the Vowels had taken them to the Smith & Western for lunch and it was really good.  Sister George piped up:  "Yes, I really like their burger."  I couldn't believe what I heard and turned to her and said:  "How can you who doesn't like anything, like that?"  She said:  "Yes, that is right, but their burgers are really good.!"  Sister Smith joined in by saying she had never eaten there so could not comment.  That settled it for me so I told them we would take them on Saturday for a meal.  The food was as good as the three of us remembered and Sister Smith enjoyed it too.

We sent birthday wishes to Shawn and Juliann this week.



On Monday, the missionary van took a group of us to the Harry Potter Studio.  It was quite the tour and we really enjoyed it.  We saw and learned how they constructed sets, designed costumes, made props, and made fake characters and animals that moved.  We learned how the movies came to be in the first place and that Harry, Hermione, and Ron lived on the set, went to school on the set, and worked on the set during the ten years it took to make the eight movies.  They were 10, 11, and 12 when they began.  We had a cup of butterbeer and I voted for more!

We woke up to overcast skies and rain.  It was a typical day in England for sightseeing!

Now these are chess pieces!

The set of Harry's room was at the end of the queue where we waited to begin the tour.

 The door on the inside of the great hall.
 One of the tables in the great hall.

We learned from  a food artist in a shop on the street that most of the food in the movies was fake, just like what you see here.  He had samples of real and fake food and we got to see if we could guess which was real.  I tried the raspberries and got two out of three.  Next were fruit tarts and again, I got two out of three.  The food really does look authentic.
Check out the chocolate table.  Wow, did it ever look real.
Yes, the butterbeer is great!  Or so I think.  Dad didn't think it was that great.

 A walk up the street.

 Shops of many kinds. Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment

Dad at the bank.

You can get in and out in a hurry!

New to the studio this year, is the original Hogwart's Express.

It was set up to reflect a true platform in the train system in England.  You really felt like you were there.  It made me think some of "The Polar Express."

We were able to go into the cars and walk the very narrow isle and peer into the cabins.

 In the burrow there were touch screens where you could make the iron iron, the knife cut the carrots, the brush scour the pan, and the knitting needles knit.  It was pretty fun to watch.

 The hair and makeup section was amazing.  Can you imagine spending all day doing hair and makeup?  Truly a girl's dream!

Dress up would be the next dream!

 All the portraits were painted for the movies.

 There's the butterbeer!

Hogwarts Castle

Note the brown door - it is the door to the great hall.

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