12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Temple Weeks #35 & #36, 3 - 14 February 2015

These two weeks have been busy with temple and being sick.  I was sick the first week and then Bob was sick the second week.  We were both out a couple of days before we were well enough to be around others.  Bob wound up teaching the primary class on his own the first week and we were not there the second week.

I continued to go to the chiropractor and am getting relief in my neck, arms, and feet.  While I was home sick, I caught up on all the episodes of Downton Abbey and even secured tickets for a tour of Highclere Castle, the site for filming Downton Abbey, for 27 July.  That will be an amazing tour I am sure.  I also watched, The Young Victoria, and enjoyed learning more about the queen, her family, and her life.  When the movie opened with her as a young girl hopping around on the black and white checkered floor in her home, I immediately recognized the house as Ham House.  We have toured that house and it was fun to know the various rooms the scenes were set in.

The temple was slow as patrons were almost non-existent.  Some sessions were cancelled and others were supplied with temple workers.  Our assignment was changed with replacing Brother & Sister Head as she was still sick.

We did have snow one morning.  At 7 a.m. it was just overcast and then at 7:45, when we sat down to breakfast, snow was falling.  I took a video of it and sent to the kids but can't seem to get it here in the blog.

I spent time helping Brother Garrett with his family history.  He wants to get names ready for temple work and didn't know how.  He has a MacBook as well, so I was able to navigate him through the process.  He was disappointed as he could not find anyone in his line that needed ordinances.  He then came upon the thought of his wife's line.  That made him happy as there are names there.  For all my help, they gave us a copy of this photo:

The picture was taken in 1958, at the dedication of the London Temple.  This is President David O. McKay and Joseph Fielding Smith.  They are going up the steps we walk everyday to go in and change into white clothing.  (The photo was taken by a then missionary at the dedication.  He is a friend of the Garrett's.)

A family story:  When Dad was going on his mission in December 1963, his father and two brothers, Tom & Bruce, took him to Salt Lake to enter the mission home, as it was called then.  They arrived a few days early and then Dad was left with his Grandma Boswell while the others made the long drive home to St. David.  Grandma took Dad to the mission home on Sunday night as assigned.  She helped him fill out paperwork and one of the questions was:  "Are you nervous?"  Dad asked Grandma if he was, and she said he was so he marked that he was nervous.

At the close of the first full day of classes, a list of elders was read off to meet with Joseph Fielding Smith, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, at the back of the hall.  When it was Dad's turn, President Smith asked him if he was nervous.  Dad answered:   "I don't know."  President Smith repeated the question to which Dad, being more nervous than ever, replied:  "I guess not."  He changed the answer on the page and said:  "Thank you."  Dad went back to his room.

Jeanna shared with us that Irval and Joann made it back from South America and are safely in their home.  Adjustments were made in rooms and bathroom fixtures for their arrival and children were shuffled around.  Everyone is happy Irval is doing so well and continues on the road to recovery.

Week #36 found us with me back to the temple for the morning shift and Bob home with the illness.  I was coordinator of a particular area and found it steady as we had a flow of patrons.  One day there were five patrons and another day there were 14 patrons.  Keeping up with all the workers and assigning them where needed kept me on my toes.  Bob continued through the illness and began progress of recovery toward the end of the week.  Saturday, was a banner day for me with activity in the temple, with 27 patrons through my area.  Two of them were new and that is always a special treat to assist them.

A choir was formed for the President's devotional, 22 March.  I was asked to play and Bob to sing.  We had the first rehearsal and all seemed to go well.  Sister George asked if I could help her with her part and we met each evening throughout the week and each time she improved.  She felt fairly confident in singing with the group.

We received letters from Eme:

The greeting was late but still much appreciated for my birthday.  Elizabeth said she found the card in a stack of papers.  I know how that goes!

A Valentine Day greeting from Tyler's family.  We love these children!

Baby Koa Lyn Welker arrived safely, 10 February 2015!  We are so happy Kendal was able to give birth on her own and baby and mom are doing great.  It is hard not to be there, but we know they are well taken care of.  We have Face Timed regularly to keep up with them.

Add Collins and Eliza to Koa, and here is our trio of grand babies!  We are so blessed!

Collins, born in November 2014

Eliza, born in June 2014

And Dean and Linsey were blessed with #4 daughter, baby Jordan Rebecca Farar, born 6 February 2015.  My parent's descendants are truly multiplying and replenishing the earth!

We called Nelson for his birthday on the 13th and had a great conversation.  We first called Julie's phone by error and found her and the boys at home and enjoyed talking with them.  We then called Nelson as he was finishing up work and wished him a happy one.  He was having a great day and they finished it off with a trip to The Gas Light, later that evening.

Julie sent this text about the show:  A cowboy got shot and said:  "It stings more than the time I had kidney stones and diarrhea at the same time!"  Everyone thought of Grandpa!  Love you guys

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