12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Temple Week #25, 25 - 30 November 2014

We worked the late shift this week.  For some reason, working late always throws a kink in my routine and I find it hard to sleep at night.  We do things in the mornings and then, boom, it is time to get to the temple and we are on the go most of the time and then getting home between 8:30 - 9 p.m.  Some days are good and other days are not so good.  Friday is even later with an 8 p.m. session and then we are back in the morning on Saturday at 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We had another week of hardly any sun.  Every day was overcast in the morning and rainy by evening.  Dusk begins at 4:30 p.m and by 5 p.m., it is dark.  The evenings are long and when I do get to sleep, I just want to keep sleeping.  Every day is like a "leave your jammies on and watch a movie" day.

Saturday was busy as the French were in and two sessions were devoted to them.  It required the help from all the workers to see that things ran smoothly and everyone was taken care of.  Their coach was late in arriving and they had to leave by 3:30 p.m. in order to catch the ferry back across the channel. It really is a miracle how things come together when everyone is focused on the same end result and we allow the spirit to be our guide.

Throughout the week we had repairs made in the flat, such as a chair re-glued, another shelf put in the pantry, a picture hung in the front room, and the old sealant removed from the windows and new put in.  They came one day to assess our requests and then two days later were back to do the work.

The children all celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday at Tyler's.  We were sad not to be there but very grateful they all got together for the holiday.  We face timed and was able to see everyone and talk with some.
Back Row:  Jason, Mariah, Pearson, Bobby, Jay, Hanna, Charly, Brynlyn, Isabel.
2nd Row:  Halie, Eliza, Jeremiah, Jashar, Jack, Sam, Gabe, Carter, Bridger, Carson.
3rd Row:  Adellae, Lorili, Marissa, McKenna,.
Front Row:  Emily, Henry, Caleb, Eme.
Collins was nursing and missed the photo.

Sunday was Fast Sunday in the ward and the testimonies were inspiring on the importance of testimonies and how we never know when ours will be an influence on others.  In Gospel Doctrine we discussed Shadrack, Meshack, Abed-nego, and Esther.  We learned that it is not always easy to live the gospel.  Sometimes it requires great faith and courage to stand alone or stand against all others.

Dad and I both volunteered to be in the nursery when they asked for two.  The little children are always so much fun and the boys took a liking to Dad.  He sat by the door so they couldn't get out and before long, he was playing with them and they no longer had an interest in getting out.  He even helped Jared glue shapes onto his paper of "I am thankful for. . ."

Sunday afternoon was filled with visiting.  We home taught Sister George for the last time as she will be off our list come December and we wanted one last visit in with her.  Of course we can visit her whenever and that is a good thing.  We stopped by Sister Hale's to help her with her Internet connection.  We got that squared away and then took flowers to Sister Parkinson for her birthday today.  They invited us in, Dad sang his birthday dirge, and we visited for awhile.

Sunday evening the Visitors' Centre had a Christmas fireside outside around the nativity.  The program included President and Sister Crossland speaking about the Savior being the center of Christmas and how He brought light into the world and we can be like Him by letting our light shine. Brother Kraggs, a new temple worker on our shift, and a sister sang a beautiful duet with voices blending in perfect harmony and the piano sweetly framing their message.  A closing prayer was said and then we sang several Christmas Carols from small booklets provided.  We were also given battery operated candles and invited to turn them on to let our light shine as we sang.  The air was chilly and everyone was bundled up but voices rang out into the night sky in celebration of the birth of Jesus.  As we sang, we were given treat bags.  Between the nativity and the temple, the spirit of the season was in the air.  The crowd was happy and friendly with one another and enjoyed the start of the Christmas season.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."  (Luke 2:11)

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