12 MAY 2014 - 12 APRIL 2016

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Coventry Cathedral, 6 September 2014

We enjoyed a slow morning and having breakfast in the hotel.  The owner was our waiter and was very attentive to what we wanted.  I had a poached egg and Dad had a traditional English breakfast.  The weather was overcast, misty, and damp.  We located a drug store and Asda (Wal-Mart) to pick up a few things since we weren't sure how much longer we were going to be touring.

We left out of Grantham headed for the Burghley house, another place Sister Curley said would be beautiful to see.  As we got into the little village the traffic became quite snarled with closed lanes and cars and horse trailers here and there.  We saw a sign announcing the Burghley Horse Trials and hoped we would come soon to the entrance to the house.  Well, we did but it was closed and we were in one lane traffic and Dad was not about to turn around!  Dad's philosophy for driving in England is that if you go long enough you will get where you want to go, even if you go the wrong way!

We headed back to Coventry to see the cathedral and then on to London and home. We arrived mid afternoon and began the process of unpacking and getting laundry done.  It was nice to be home and in familiar surroundings and out of the car for awhile.

Coventry Cathedral was built in the 14th century.  A reined shell is all that remains after the Coventry Blitz bombing during World War II on 14 November 1940.  The original spire remains and rises 295 feet into the air making it the highest point in the Coventry skyline.  A modern cathedral was built next to it following the war.

The morning drive took us on this road where we had to stop for trains, one fast one and one slow.  On the motorway we came upon this classic.  The driver and passenger looked like they were having a fun time.  Dad really liked checking it out.

Two views of the inside of the new cathedral are on the bottom.  The remains of the older one still has style.

The tower that is still standing from the old cathedral has 180 steps leading up to the top.  We decided to climb them and away we went.  One picture shows how the buildings and roads are not laid out to any rhyme or reason; just where you can put them.  You can see the gutted out insides of the old cathedral.

The street is one side of the old cathedral.  As Dad and I were walking around and taking pictures, these sisters were walking with their mother and the youngest one asked us why we were taking pictures.  When Dad told her why, she asked:  "Will you take my picture?"  So here we are!  The bottom picture is me at the stair door at the top of the tower.

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